You'd better have some mung bean soup so as to reduce internal heat. 你喝些绿豆汤,去去火。
There's nothing like a bowl of cool mung bean soup in hot weather. 大热天喝碗凉不丝儿的绿豆汤,真舒服。
Effect of Fermentation and Germination on the Viscosity of Mung Bean Starch 发酵与发芽处理对绿豆淀粉黏度性质的影响
Mung bean paste was produced by low-salt solid-state fermentation using mung bean as the main raw material. 以扇贝裙边、豆粕、麸皮、小麦为原料,采用多菌种混合制曲,低盐固态发酵酿造扇贝裙边酱油。
The foods selected were lean pork, mutton, beef, peanut, soybean, red bean, mung bean and cowpea ( vigna). 选择的食物有瘦猪肉、瘦羊肉、瘦牛肉、花生、黄豆、红豆、绿豆和眉豆等。
Based on comparison of present measurements, the spherical measurement was adopted in this study to determine the thermal conductivities of rice, mung bean and soybean powders. 通过对现有导热系数测量方法的分析,采用球法测量法测量大米粉、绿豆粉、黄豆粉的导热系数。
With the main ingredients of mungbean powder, mung bean cake with Biluochun tea processing technology was studied, also the quality specification was discussed. 以绿豆粉为主要原料,对茶香绿豆糕的加工工艺进行研究,并制定质量标准。
Buy: Peanut, Pumpkins seed, Nut ( all kinds of), Mung bean. 采购:花生,南瓜籽,各种坚果,绿豆。
And not while taking radish, mung bean, crab, shrimp, etc., also can not be used reed, Wulingzhi, radish seed and other medicine to take, so to play well ginseng tonic. 并且不可同时服食萝卜、绿豆、螃蟹、海虾等,习惯上也不能与黎芦、五灵脂、莱菔子等中药服用,这样发挥不好人参的滋补作用。
Effect of 1-MCP on polyphenols and antioxidant activity response during Mung Bean Germination 1-MCP对绿豆种子萌发过程中酚类物质及抗氧化活性的影响
Ultrastructure Changes of Different Leaf Positions during Different Maturity Grades in Mung Bean 绿豆开花后不同节位叶片衰老的超微结构研究
Effects of Ethylene, Kinetin and 6-BA on the Morphological and Biochemical Composition of Mung Bean Seedlings ETH、KT和6-BA对绿豆幼苗形态建成和生化成分的效应研究
Mung bean is rich in protein, starch, a variety of minerals, a variety of vitamin B and amino acids. 绿豆具有丰富的蛋白质、淀粉、多种矿物质、多种维生素B和氨基酸。
Study on functional characteristics of mung bean protein isolates in different cultivars and from different areas 不同品种和不同产地绿豆分离蛋白功能特性的研究
Effect of Water Cadmium Pollution on Germination of Mung Bean Seed and Seedling Growth 水体镉污染对绿豆种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响
Mung bean was added as adjunct material during the beer production to produce health care beer with heat-dispersing function. 在啤酒的生产过程中加入部分绿豆作为辅料生产具有清热消暑的保健绿豆啤酒。
Accumulation and Transportation Characteristics of Dry Matter after Anthesis in Different Mung Bean Cultivars 不同绿豆品种花后干物质积累与转运特性
Effects of High-voltage Electro Static Fields on Quality of Fresh-cut Mung Bean Sprout ph.1.【英】豇豆高压静电场对鲜切绿豆芽品质的影响
Sesame, Peanut, Soybean, Red Bean, Mung Bean, Buckwheat. 芝麻,花生,大豆,红豆,绿豆,荞麦。
Study on Thermal Conductivities of Rice, Mung Bean and Soybean Powders 米粉、绿豆粉及黄豆粉的导热系数的实验研究
New City principal food crops are wheat, naked oats, sorghum, millet, millet, maize, mung bean, yam, etc. 朔城区主要粮食作物有小麦、莜麦、高粱、谷子、黍、玉米、绿豆、山药等;
Nano-preparation of TA and the Effect on the Growth of Mung Bean Seedling 三十烷醇(TA)纳米制剂的制备及对绿豆种苗生长的影响
Mung bean soup is not only cool to quench their thirst, have heat-clearing and detoxifying effect. 绿豆汤不仅清凉解渴,还有清热解毒的功效。
It was easily to produce mung bean beer on large scale because its processing technology was basically the same as that of common beer, with no need for additional equipments. 绿豆啤酒生产的基本工艺和普通啤酒生产基本相同,不需另加设备,便于大规模生产。
Influence of Selenium Enrichment on the Nutrient Contents of Germinating Mung Bean 富硒处理对萌发绿豆中几种营养成分变化的影响
The production technology and the non-biological stabilization of mung bean beer were discussed. An adsorption biodegradation process was used to treat brewery industrial wastewater. 该文介绍了绿豆啤酒的生产工艺过程,并对绿豆啤酒的非生物稳定性进行了探讨。采用吸附生物降解工艺处理啤酒废水。
Effect on the growth of mung bean seedlings irradiated by Nd: YVO_4 laser Nd:YVO4激光辐照对绿豆幼苗生长影响的研究
Study on the application of phosphate monoester modified starch in mung bean jelly 磷酸单酯变性淀粉在绿豆凉粉中的应用研究
Study on the Process and Stability of the Acid Fermented Milk Drinks with Mung Bean 发酵型绿豆酸乳饮料的加工工艺和稳定性研究
Effect of Hg, Cr and Pb Single Pollution to Photosynthesis in Mung Bean 土壤Hg、Cr和Pb单一污染对绿豆光合作用的影响